The Trixie Chicks

Returning for 2019 will be the amazing and talented Trixie Chicks! The Trixie Chicks Trick Riders, an elite all-female specialty act team based out of Springfield, MO, take the bond between horse & rider to the next level. From hanging by one foot with their heads dragging on the ground to standing proudly atop their horses at a full gallop, the Trixie Chicks travel across the country entertaining crowds at rodeos and horse events. This dynamic daredevil group will be performing during the day in the Covered Arena and hosting a daily clinic in the Annex Ring.

The Trixie Chicks Trick Riders have an impressive string of horses that have been their partners in thrilling crowds and teaching trick riding since their formation in 2010. A favorite of the performers and students is King, a 2001 American Paint Horse. Trixie Chicks owner and performer Kelsey Lauberth describes him as "the horse of many trick riders," because his steady nature makes him their go-to lesson mount. This attention-loving steed enjoys performing, but he never forgets to take care of his riders. Whether his job is to help thrill an audience, or boost a beginner trick rider's confidence, King is always up for the task.

#1803: King

This portrait model of King can be purchased at the Breyer Store at BreyerFest, online at, or from your favorite Breyer retailer.
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