Equine Showcase: BreyerFest Military Tribute

Covered Arena
Friday 10:15am
Saturday 10:05am
Sunday 9:45am
In honor of our Salute to Horse Heroes theme, we’ve put together an homage to military horses spanning the centuries that will include participants from our Civil War Reenactment Camp, a tribute to Sergeant Reckless, a riderless horse, and Klinger, who is currently assigned to the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment Old Guard Caisson Platoon.

While Klinger has had many duties, he is being honored at BreyerFest for his heroic work with wounded veterans as a part of equine-assisted therapy and as the mascot of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), which helps heal families, specifically young children, dealing with the passing of this nation’s fallen heroes. At 17 hands high, this gentle giant arrived at the Caisson Platoon when he was three years old and has participated in more than 5,000 full honor military funerals in Arlington National Cemetery. BreyerFest is honored to be hosting Klinger and members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment Old Guard Caisson Platoon.
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