Charmayne James and Scamper

| Meet and Greet
Fri 1:25pm
Sat 1:10pm
Sun 2:55pm
| Fri 3:15pm
Sat 10am
Sun 11:45am
Charmayne James and Scamper will forever be Barrel Racing royalty. The pair dominated the scene for over a decade, winning 10 world titles and over $1 million in career earnings for James. Winning the AQHA/WPRA Barrel Horse of the Year title once wasn't enough for Scamper , he earned the title five times and was the recipient of the prestigious American Quarter Horse Association Silver Spur Award (1992). The legendary bay gelding retired from competition in 1993 and, in 1996, became the first barrel horse to be inducted into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame.
To celebrate Scamper and the sport of Barrel Racing, Charmayne James will be joining us at BreyerFest this year with current rides, Grasshopper and Cruisin on Six! In 2002, James and Cruiser took home her 11th WPRA World Title and seventh NFR average title. She will be performing daily in the arena as well as offering clinics throughout the weekend.
Scamper's BreyerFest Special Edition set comes with three BreyerFest barrels and will be available for sale in the Breyer Store. Scamper features a "BreyerFest 2018" print on his belly, crisp leg markings and modern shading.
Check the Autograph schedule (posted with the Event Program in late June/July) for times to meet Charmayne and your Scamper model signed!

#711337 Scamper
This portrait model of Scamper is available only in the Breyer Store at BreyerFest!
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