Brass Hat

| Meet and Greet
Fri 10:35am
Sat 10:20am
Sun 3:40pm
| Fri 2:30pm
Sat 1:45pm
Sun 11am
Not all horses are lucky enough to find a second career after retirement, but Brass Hat has done that and more. The 2001 bay Thoroughbred gelding became a regional favorite of racing fans, earning over $2.17 million in 40 starts. His seven-year racing career highlights include 9 stakes wins, and setting track records at Churchill Downs and Gulfstream Park.
Owned by the late Fred Bradley and trained by his son William "Buff" Bradley, Brass Hat retired from racing at age 10. After moving to the Bradley's Indian Ridge Farm, he became a pasture mate to other off-the-track-Thoroughbreds and a babysitter to the farm's weanlings. He's also done ambassador work for Kentucky's Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, which helps organizations to retire, retrain and re-home Thoroughbreds. In 2016, Brass Hat made his show horse debut with the Thoroughbred Horse Show Association, where he was shown under saddle by Buff's 12-year-old daughter.
Brass Hat is proof that a Thoroughbred can do it all!

#711281 Brass Hat
Three-day ticket holders will receive this portrait model of Brass Hat!
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